Proudly servicing over 12,000 customers!

From South Anchorage to the Mat-Su Valley!


Frequently Asked Questions

(For POOP Scooping Services)

(***PSST!...~Click here~ and get free service...***)


Why would I "PAY" anyone to scoop my pets poop?

  • Because you hate to do it.

  • Because it's an affordable service.

  • Because most people don't have the time to keep up with all the poop.

  • Your kids can't safely play in the yard because of all the poop.

  • You may have limited physical mobility.

  • Family feuds start over who's going to "Scoop the Poop" this week.

  • You have a few pets and you love them dearly but, you just can't bare to scoop another pile of doo.

  • Click here to Sign-up

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Isn't dog waste good for my lawn? I've always heard it was fertilizer!


Absolutely not! Unlike horse and cow manure, dog and cat waste kills your lawn. It is very hazardous as well.  It is considered  "Hazardous Waste". Bacteria contained in dog waste can live for months in your yard, contaminating our water supply as well as posing a threat to children that play on the grounds.


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Do you provide service during the winter?


You bet! Dogs keep doing their thing all year long, and if you don't keep up with it through the winter, things will get awfully foul by Spring. (Yuck!!!) - Click here to Sign-up


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What if it snows when you're scheduled to come out?


We’ll work in most weather, but snow can stop us. On snow days we will follow up on your next scheduled service day.  (Simply because we won’t be able to find any poop.)  We do not charge overtime in the spring "like the other guys".


Our company is awesome! We do not charge our weekly customers overtime in the spring "like the other guys". You will never receive surprise charges "like the other guys". It will always be your flat monthly rate. We promise!!!  


Bottom line.....You will **NEVER** receive surprise charges. It will always be your flat monthly rate. We promise!!!  We are the largest pet waste clean up company in the state of Alaska for a reason...we do what we say we will do!


- Click here to Sign-up


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What about spring break-up?


Spring break-up is the yucky season!!!  Let's face it, this is the most disgusting time of the year for picking up poop. It's wet and nasty. Since we live in Alaska "Snow Hides Poop", it doesn't matter how good someone is about picking up after their furry friend(s)...that's just reality.  


Our company is awesome! We do not charge our weekly customers overtime in the spring "like the other guys". You will never receive surprise charges "like the other guys". It will always be your flat monthly rate. We promise!!!  


Bottom line.....You will **NEVER** receive surprise charges. It will always be your flat monthly rate. We promise!!!  We are the largest pet waste clean up company in the state for a reason!


- Click here to Sign-up


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Is there a contract/agreement for weekly services? states that you need to pay us 3 times the amount that is on our website!  JUST KIDDING! :-)


Even though we pick up POOP...we are a professional company (maybe kinda goofy :-), but professional)!!!  We believe that a reliable professional company sets expectations with their customers.  In a nut shell, our agreement gives us permission to be on your property on a weekly basis, states your low monthly rate, and explains the core policies that are on this webpage . 


- Click here to Sign-up


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How do you bill your clients and how do I pay my bill?


Payment must be received prior to any services being rendered.


One Time Clean-up Services: "For one time clean-up services we only take credit cards over the phone." (No checks)  This is our busiest time of the year and everyone is thinking the same thing that you are...get rid of my poop!!! :-)   However, we will accept "Do Not Exceed Request". (i.e. Please do not go over one hour of billable time)


Weekly Services: It's important to note that "We do not charge our clients overtime!" You pay a set monthly fee regardless if your service visits take 5 minutes or 30 minutes. You will never receive surprise overtime charges from us. This is true even during the spring season when all those canine treasures start popping up everywhere. If you signed up after January 1st of this year than there may be an additional spring clean-up fee but that's it. (please refer to your agreement or contact us )


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Why do you do average monthly billing?


Most people prefer to know what their bill will be every month instead of receiving a surprise.  Plus many people like to setup auto bill pay through their bank and without average monthly billing they wouldn't be able to do so.


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How do I Suspend Service? (i.e. Vacation, Leaving town for the week, etc. )


Simply contact us with the date that service is to be suspended and the date that service is to be reinstated. We will credit your account for any weeks that have been prepaid. It may take an additional billing cycle for your credit to appear. Please understand that we do not issue refunds.  If you need to suspend service, simply click 'Contact Us'. 


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How do I Cancel Service?


You can’t, you will need to do business with us for the rest of your life!  (Just kidding!!! J ) Please click here for our cancellation policy.



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Do you offer a one time clean up service?


Yes. Please click here to see our rates for one time clean-up services.



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What are your hours of operation?


Our field service hours are Monday thru Friday.  Service Technicians begin their routes as early as 6:00 am and end as late as 7:00 pm.


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Do you work on holidays?


We typically do not work most holidays. However, our employees are given the opportunity to work extra hours on holidays if they would like. When a holiday falls on a regular service day (and no employees would like to work that holiday), we will make up the service within two business days before or after the holiday. However, if it snows the night before or the day of the holiday, it will be considered a snow day since the waste is then buried. Service returns to the regular day the following week. The following are the specific holidays:

  • New Year's Day

  • Presidents Day

  • Independence Day

  • Labor Day

  • Thanksgiving Day

  • Christmas Day

  • Martin Luther King Day

  • Memorial Day

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Should I unlock my gate?


Yes. Since employees are not permitted to climb or jump over fences, please have your gate unlocked on your service day. If you have a combination lock, you may provide us with the combination to the lock, but we do not hold on to keys. You may also hide a key and let us know where it's at.  Please note, if your gate is locked or the dog will not allow us to safely clean the yard, the regular weekly service fee will still be charged.  We will clear the waste from your yard the next week at no additional cost.  - Click here to Sign-up


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Can you provide service while my dog is in the yard?


In most cases, yes. We get along well with dogs however, there are some cases when a dog will not let our Technician into the yard. If you know that your dog is not good with strangers, or it becomes apparent that your dog will not allow us to clean the yard, then we ask that you restrain or confine the dog. We don’t want to take unnecessary risks with your dog or our employees. - Click here to Sign-up

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Do you provide services for various types of pets?


Our primary focus is geared towards dogs at residential homes. We can service Parks, Golf Courses, Condo / Apartment Complexes, and businesses. Contact us for more information. -

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What area's do you service?

  • Anchorage

  • Eagle River

  • Chugiak

  • Elmendorf / Fort Richardson

  • Mat-Su Valley

 - Click here to Sign-up


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Can I request a certain day or time of day?


Yes, but the cost would be "much" higher. We are able to keep our rates low by creating a route schedule that allows us to service clients that are reasonably close to one another on the same day, but not at a specific time of day.  Requesting service on a day that we are not in your area requires considerable more drive time.  Most people find that our standard schedules work fine for them. 


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Can I Tip my Waste Removal Technician?


We are committed to providing excellent customer service. If you feel that your technician is doing an OUTSTANDING job, feel free to let him/her know with a tip. Please put the tip in an envelope and place it in a spot that your technician can see it. Click here to go to our Contact Us page.


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What are my responsibilities to maintain service?


To better service you, please be mindful of the following:

  • Direct all questions, problems, concerns, changes in service to the office not your Service Technician.

  • Aggressive dogs must be left indoors on scheduled cleaning days. (Please note that you will not receive a credit if you leave your dog outside and we can not service the yard.)

  • Yards and pens must be accessible. (Please note that you will not receive a credit if we can not access the yard.)

  • We ask that our customers mow their lawns once per week.  If the grass is not mowed on a weekly basis please note that we can not guarantee our work.

  • Please understand that fallen leaves must be raked up in order for us to find the waste. If your yard has leaves that have not been raked up since the fall season we can not guarantee our work.

  • Grass and leaves should be kept to a minimum to locate the waste.

  • Keep your gate free of snow so we can access the yard. (For a small fee we can remove snow, please contact us.)

  • Payments must be made in a timely manner, unless prior arrangements have been made. Be mindful that services are always prepaid.

  • If any of our staff members call you please treat them as you would like to be treated. (No one likes a big grump! :-)

  • Click here to Sign-up

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What's your guarantee?


Guarantee? What guarantee?  (Just kidding!!!)    Please click here to visit our guarantee page


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How does your referral program work?


GET FREE SERVICE!!!  Click here to learn more...


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© Alaska Pet & Yard Services, L.L.C.






Pet Waste Removal

Dog Waste Removal

Dog Poop Clean up

Anchorage Pet Waste Removal

Alaska Pet Waste Removal

Alaska Pooper Scooper

Anchorage Pooper Scooper


Dog Shit

Anchorage Dog Shit

Alaska Dog Shit

Your Professional Pooper Scooper

The Professional Pooper Scooper

Professional Pooper Scooper